Kamis, 24 November 2016


Review Film Maze Runner.
Maze runner is a movie which is adapted from James Dashner novel with the same name. This movie tell us about a group of people who tried to get out from a place called Glade, but they need to go through the maze which have a danger creature called Grievers. And the grievers stay in a maze.
This movie tells about a boy named Thomas, he wakes up inside an underground service elevator with no memory of his identity. A group of male youths greet him in a large grassy area called the Glade that is enclosed by tall, stone walls. Every month, a new boy and supplies arrive in the elevator. The boys, called Gladers, have formed a rudimentary society with each assuming specialized tasks, they have been in the Glade for about three years. Alby, their leader and the first to arrive in the Glade, says every boy eventually recalls his name, but none remember their past. The boy learns that a vast Maze surrounding the Glade may provide the only way out. During the day, designated Runners search the Maze for an escape route, returning before nightfall when the entrance closes. No one has ever survived a night inside the Maze. Then, the condition of the Glade starting to change when a female named Teresa come as the last person in the Glade. One day, the leader Alby get stung by a Griever. Then Thomas replace Alby place as the runner and he become Minho’s partner. The two of them then try to find way out from the maze.    
The acting of all the casts is awesome. The development of the character is also good. But, the movie would be more alive if there is a romance scene. Because, as we know that romance is often catch the audience attention. But the story line very interesting. And Maze Runner had a sequel with a same tittle that is The Maze Runner 2 : Scorch Trial. I think this movie is a great science-fiction movie. The movie shows us how to fight for life. The movie also shows that we can live with any races. For example are Minho and Alby. So, this movie is good for anyone to watch.

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